Tuesday, January 22, 2008

BEAR. . . our bestest friend

Fifteen years ago, we brought home a tiny, black, Shih tzu puppy, BEAR. She weighed three pounds and fit into the palm of my hand. For many months, I'd rock her to sleep, just like I had done with my babies. Oh, we loved this puppy so very much. Everyday she brought so much joy and love to our family!!

We loved to watch her race around the house, especially after her tubby, or when
we'd return from a hectic day, she'd warmly greet us at the door. . . tail wagging. . . tongue hanging. . .eagerly waiting for us to pick her up! She loved us regardless of what we did, said, or felt. Bear taught us unconditional love.

When we adopted our puppy, we all knew that one day we would have to say good-bye. This day has come, January 22 at 4:30pm, in my arms. Our hearts are broken and filled with sadness, but we are so grateful for the many smiles and joys she has brought to us! Her memories will always be with us and thoughts of her will bring us happiness for many years to come!

We loved you, Bear Girl! Thank you for teaching us lessons of real, unconditional love!


brenda said...

Oh, i am so sorry to hear about Bear. It is so hard to lose a dog who has been in your family for so long. Glad that she brought you so much joy and great memories!

Love ya.

Connie said...

You and your family are so lucky to have had so many wonderful years with "Bear Girl"! She was a special little dog. She will be missed by all.
Love to all of you.