Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Maids-of-Honor weekend

Marisa, Julia, and Brittany
This weekend, Brittany and Marisa came to Michigan to spend the weekend with Julia. (They were Julia's roommates at ONU.) Brittany is from Chicago and Marisa is from southern Indiana. It was so sweet of them to make the 5 hour trip to FlintTown. We had a wonderful time together!!

Saturday we spent the entire day shopping for 'bridesmaids' dresses. What fun! Finally, after 3 stops, they found just the perfect dress! Check. Bridesmaid's dresses done.

Third stop!Getting better! Yea! We found it! So hard to say goodbye!!
Julia is very blessed to have such special and dear friends! My thanks to them for all they
do for my girl, Julia!

1 comment:

conniejo said...

It looks like the girls had a great time together! I can't wait to see what they picked to wear.