Wednesday, September 19, 2007

. . .one pooped girl

Isn't this a lovely pose?! . . .One pooped girl!

What a day I had today! I headed off for school this morning at 7:00am, listening to the radio and planning my day! After hearing the weatherman give the daily temperature of 85, I couldn't remember if I had put on any deodorant. ('s all downhill after 50!!) Knowing I certainly would be needing deodorant in my little 'sweat box' classroom, I quickly pulled into Walgreen's in Flushing to purchase some. ( that little problem taken care of!!) I arrived at school, taught all day, meet with two parents after school, responded to some emails, and at 4:30, I headed to church to work in the coffee shop. I love working there because I get to spent time with Karen and Brenda! How is it that friends can energize me? I so enjoy their company! I left the church at 7:30, ran to buy dog food, do a quick return at Target (if there is such a thing!!), and headed for home at 9:00pm. My feet hurt, my hair's flat, my make up is all off, and I'm pooped! Fourteen hour days are not a good thing for a 50 year old! I must run to bed so I can start over again tomorrow!!! :)
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Kathy said...

AND . . . you called me! I too was having that "14" day!! YIKES! We must be NUTS!!!

Kathy said...

P.S. One difference..You still look beautiful!!

Connie said...

Girl, no wonder you didn't have time to call me on your way to school! I hope you got some much need rest. You look great for 50!!

Unknown said...

Get used to it. There is no such thing as an 8-hour day anymore. But don't you just love being busy instead of just sitting around watching the food network? Miss you. K